So there has been quite a lot of talk about perfection and completion and ability and taste on this blog lately - which has been fantastic - lots of people chiming in with their experiences. And just so we don't get stuck on any one topic, this will be the last post around this idea for a little while.
But I came across one more thing last week that I thought might be of use to all of you who are thinking about this stuff. And that is something the lovely Brienne said in a post that has really stuck with me. She was talking about making a dress for one of her small people and she was trying something new. At then end of the post she talked about all of the things she wasn't happy with about the finished product and proceeded to say that
“Honestly, there’s a lot about this dress that I’m not that thrilled about. But I loved both the fabrics and I’m comforted by the idea that I’m just practicing. And I’m working in the gap:) ”
And that gap is the one from Ira's quote from my blog post last week - The gap between taste and ability. Brienne's take on it is such a comforting thought. That at the moment this is where I am at AND that I can just keep practising and working in the gap! So thankyou Brienne!!
So this week I've been holding tight to two ideas
- that idea that I can just practice in the gap with no pressure
- that in order to make the things I really want to make, (ie. the things I have imagined) I might have to do a little more practice
My kid quilt idea in my crinkly scribbled-on visual diary.
One of the many many mock ups.
And it has meant that I have moved forward on my longer term project of making all three of my small people a quilt. I have wanted to do it for the last two years but in my head have been avoiding doing it for the simple reason that I don't plan on making them more than one single bed quilt for their childhood. And because I only want to make one I really want it to be perfect! .......and here we go again ;) rambling on about perfection......The lovely Claire has pointed out that that was a hell of a lot of pressure to be putting on a thing - which is an excellent point!
Figuring out colours using paint swatches - ala Anna Farago
Trial and error.
In making the quilt last year that wasn't perfect but was still beautiful I got a bit of practice. That was practice version 1 of the quilt and the kids versions are going to be 2,3 and 4. Maybe by the last one I will have moved closer to where I want to be. And how exciting is that.
What are you practicing??
Felicia x