Alrighty then. So this isn't what I was going to post about AND I don't want to actually say it out loud, but it was suggested to me (by my friend Tiger) that maybe if I blog about it I might feel better. I'm sorry to say that I can't see how that would be possible but I am going to give it a go.
I bl*&dy well just totally bl$#dy f*&king well felted my favourite ever knit. Just now!!
I spoke about James here but you don't even need to go to that post to see just how perfect she was. She was the perfect sweater. I wore her all the time. All the time! I loved her and I am sad.
And just a tad angry with myself. An experienced knitter and handwasher and I f#$king felted her. FELTED!!!
Perfect fit and she was made from Blue Sky Metalico which is the most beautiful naturally shaded Alpaca Silk blend.
Perfect amount of flare.
I know all of you lovely knitters must have done it at some stage in your knitting life. So I'm putting the call out - can you please tell me some felting stories to ease my pain…. Make them painful. Make them funny. I don't mind….
yours in solidarity and pain.
Felicia x