Printing - Creating A Repeat Pattern
Learn to design and create a repeating pattern using stamps on fabric.
Teacher: Leslie Keating
Description: This class will explain the different types of repeat patterns and how these can be achieved with stamps or carved blocks with fabric ink on cloth. Participants will practice stamping a fat quarter of each style of repeat using supplied ink and their own stamps (a supply of stamps and other printing materials will be available for those who do not have stamps).
Materials: Participants will be required to bring 2 meters of light coloured, natural fibre fabric, cut into fat quarters. A white or natural cotton, linen/cotton or hemp/cotton is suggested but it does not need to be fancy or expensive as it will be used for practice. Participants are welcome to also bring fabric that they’d like to print a larger repeat on if desired.
Takeaway: Participants will takeaway the fat quarters that they have printed.
Level: Beginner
Workshop Length: Half Day