Dyeing - Indigo Blue
Learning the process of dyeing with indigo.
Teacher: Julia Billings
Description: In this half-day workshop, you will learn the steps involved in creating an indigo vat and experience the magic that results from indigo dyeing. After preparing the vat, we’ll take time while it rests to look into the history of this old and venerated dyestuff and prepare fibres for dyeing. You may choose to dye your yarn and fabric solid colours or to explore patterning using shibori (methods of folding, clamping, binding and stitching).
We will then dip and remove our fibres from the bath multiple times to achieve a good depth of colour. There will also be a chance to discuss some of the keys aspects of dyeing with indigo; fibre preparation, overdyeing to create complex colours and other tips and tricks.
Materials: There will be a materials fee of $15 to cover yarn, fabric, dyestuff and other materials. Students will need to bring a pen and notepad and to dress warmly (as the workshop will take place outside. Indigo will stain clothing and footwear so bring an apron and be sure to wear something dark or old!
Takeaway: Participants will take away yarn and fabric dyed in the workshop.
Level: Beginners welcome
Workshop Length: Half day